Decoding the Gospel of Thomas - Mathias Fritzen

Decoding the Gospel of Thomas

A contemporary guide to directly experiencing the essence of Jesus’ teachings today

All 114 verses of the Gospel of Thomas are carefully unpacked to reveal what the great teacher Jesus was pointing towards. If you feel called to this adventure from within your own heart, this book may guide you a little closer to who you really are – walking you home. May you discover what »lies hidden behind the words« and realize your own essential self as the one unifying Truth that connects us all.

Decoding the Gospel of Thomas is a detailed exploration of Jesus’ essential teachings for dedicated students seeking self-realization. Biblical cross-references and extensive commentary aim to link Thomas’ Gospel to the bible and to spiritual teachings from various times and traditions.

*To you, dear reader: It is not my intention to offend anyone in their belief and yet I am fully aware that I cannot avoid risking that it happens. This book is one interpretation, one perspective, one facet, one hint at the Truth. Like a finger pointing to the moon, it is not to be confused with the moon itself.

Book Information Detail Icons - Price Tag - Mathias FritzenBook Information Detail Icons - Page Count - Mathias FritzenBook Information Detail Icons - Illustrations Images - Mathias FritzenBook Information Detail Icons - Dimensions Orientation - Mathias FritzenBook Information Detail Icons - Release Date- Mathias Fritzen
21 x 15,3
May 2024
This book was made by a brother in arms with the intent of discovering your own Truth, Love and Freedom. To challenge what you believe to know about yourself. And if your heart is open, it will reveal to you the very nature of existence itself, in a heartbeat.